You will probably call on
Unlock Indy to replace your
car key at some point in your life. It could be because of a failing transponder or because you lost your only set. Knowing the kind of car key can help you anticipate the cost of getting a new one made. Here the differences between car key types.
1. Master Key
Master keys aren’t usually found with newer cars, but because there are still older models on the market, we’re including this kind of car key. Master keys exist for the sole purpose of being copied, not for actual use. However, replacing them is often expensive and can force an entire system reconfiguration.
2. Traditional Key
The traditional key is what most of us picture when we think about car keys. This type of key can be easily replicated with any machine that cuts metal or by a professional locksmith. If you have a traditional key, you won’t have to worry about breaking the bank, as these keys can easily be replaced for $3-$10.
3. Transponder Key
Transponder keys have been popular with car manufacturers since the mid-90s. This type of key has a microchip in the handle, which sends a signal to the engine through a sensor in the ignition. While they may be popular, transponder keys can be rather expensive to replace or duplicate, running most car owners anywhere between $40-$100, depending on the make and model.
4. Smart Key
Smart keys are simple fobs that need to be within the vehicle to start and operate it. This type of key does not need to be put into the ignition, making it susceptible to misplacement by many car owners. Unlike other types of car keys, only the dealership can replace a smart key.
Have a Spare Key Made
Not being able to find your car keys or getting locked out is one of the worst feelings. However, you shouldn’t panic. Instead, call Unlock Indy. We specialize in getting car owners back into their locked cars or replacing lost sets. We offer quick, easy, and affordable service, making us the most reliable locksmith in Indianapolis, IN. We can also help with
rekeying your home,
installing new locks on your business, or cracking the code on your
Contact us today at
(317) 590-2842.