Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer or a veteran of yet another home purchase, you are excited. Buying a house can be a fun adventure as you find a little piece of Indiana that’s all yours. You can already see years of happy memories in those walls: holidays, family gatherings, Friday pizza nights, and so much more. However, all that can change with one break-in.
Do you, your family, and your valuables a favor, and consider changing your new home’s locks. At
Unlock Indy, we recommend that you hire a professional
residential locksmith to change out or rekey all exterior-access doors in your home.
This might include your:
- Front door
- Back door
- Garage-access door off the side of your home
- And any other exterior door
rekeying your home or changing the locks altogether, you can know that you’re the only people with access to your home. If you want to take an extra step, you may even consider adding a
deadbolt or sliding lock. With peace of mind, you can sleep well in your new home knowing you and your family are safe.
To ensure proper installation and quality locks, we recommend that you hire a locksmith. You may not want to mess with doing it yourself, and you want to make sure you don’t have shoddy workmanship when it comes to your home safety.
Homeowners in the Indianapolis,
Carmel, or
Fishers areas can rely on Unlock Indy—a locally owned company that works hard to help Indianapolis residents stay safe. We have the best residential and
commercial locksmiths in the area and even offer
24-hour emergency service in case you lock yourself out of your car or home.
Want to know more? See for yourself what
satisfied customers are saying, or
contact us at
(317) 590-2842 to schedule your lock service.
photo credit:
Church door via
photopin (license)